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Bellary District Population
Bellary District Total population is 2452595. Rural Population is 1532356 and Urban population is 920239. Bellary District is in Karnataka State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1532356 | 774093 | 758263 |
Urban | 920239 | 462861 | 457378 |
Total | 2452595 | 1236954 | 1215641 |
List of sub districts in Bellary District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Hadagalli | 195219 | 38656 |
Hagaribommanahalli | 188238 | 36616 |
Hospet | 459991 | 94190 |
Siruguppa | 269104 | 52180 |
Bellary | 770929 | 156081 |
Sandur | 260213 | 52067 |
Kudligi | 308901 | 59328 |